Google Knowledge Panel


December 20, 2022

Maximizing Your Reputation with the Google Knowledge Panel


The Google Knowledge Panel is a feature of Google Search that provides users with quick and easy access to information about a specific topic or entity.

It appears as a box on the right-hand side of the search results page, and it includes a variety of information about the topic or entity, including its name, a description, related images, and links to related websites.

In general, the Knowledge Panel is more likely to appear for searches that are related to specific entities or topics, such as the name of a person, place, or organization.


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Knowledge Panel and Subject Matter Experts

For subject matter experts, being featured in the Knowledge Panel can be a great way to increase their visibility and credibility in Google.

It can also be a way to showcase their expertise and to connect with other experts in their field.

To be featured in the Knowledge Panel, subject matter experts must meet certain criteria:

  • They must be authoritative sources of information on the topic in question.
  • They must have a strong online presence. This might include having a website or blog, being active on social media, or being mentioned in other online sources.


  1. Google’s official information page for the Knowledge Panel:
  2. A blog post from MOZ that explains how it works:
  3. The Wikipedia page which provides a detailed history and overview of the feature:

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