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“Decoding SEO Success” is where we break down the SEO strategy of popular software companies, so you can deploy them yourself.

Some days, SEO seems invisible and esoteric. If everyone else has more visibility in search than you – this webinar will help you gain clarity.

Instead of writing a long, dry, and abstract guide on how to win at SEO, we decided to decode the SEO strategy of software company Toggl. This way, SEO becomes transparent, easy to understand, and even easier to replicate.

Toggl is estimated to have between 400 to 600k organic visitors per month and they rank for 6,149 keywords related to time tracking and time management. This is a great example of generating traffic that is relevant to your business.

Spoiler alert: Toggl is great at content marketing and meeting search intent.

If you want to learn more, sign up today!

Instead of vague theories, you will be presented with the actual SEO results of Toggl.

Our team here at Flow took the time to uncover the SEO strategy — and will share all these valuable insights with you. You will learn how to dissect SEO success, so that you can build your own startup SEO strategy more effectively.

During this live discussion, you will learn:

✅ How to be the best answer to a search query

✅ What is search intent – and how can you satisfy it without SEO fluff content

✅ The pillars of the SEO strategy of Toggl

✅ How to build an SEO-driven content calendar for your blog


Viola Eva
Viola is passionate about digital entrepreneurship, flow, and mindful marketing. As a marketing consultant and SEO, she has worked with clients ranging from individual digital entrepreneurs to software companies to multi-national corporates and government institutions. She is a speaker, educator, and specialist on all things SEO.
Flow Blog

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