SEO Landing Page Examples
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Picture this: For months, you’ve poured your brain into developing new messaging, creating a product marketing campaign, or tons of website changes. But there’s a catch – how do you make sure the right people find your work? 

To win potential customers into your website, how do you make them notice and acquire your product?

That’s where SEO landing pages come into play. These are highly optimized web pages designed to rank well in search engines and efficiently guide potential customers toward a specific conversion goal. 

Securing a prominent place for your feature or product pages on Page 1 of the search results is an optimal aspiration, but the challenge is substantial. In the SaaS space, Page 1 is often densely populated, with listicles (such as ‘best xx software’) and review sites like Capterra, G2, or TrustRadius prevailing.

Nonetheless, certain SaaS startups have managed to defy the odds, emerging as winners in the battle for ranking their landing pages. The question that beckons is: how do they achieve this feat? 

Here, we will demystify the journey to landing page ranking success through ten successful examples. Trust them because these are the digital architects of your success trajectory!

Framework of Building  SEO Landing Pages

This SEO page will be the bridge between your SaaS solution and the people who are actively seeking it. Therefore, it should include some key characteristics to ensure they reach the right crowd. 

1. Precise Keywords

Cooking takes time and dedication. If you’re preparing a tomato sauce but select the wrong tomatoes, it probably won’t taste as you hoped. Therefore, selecting the best ingredients before you start cooking is essential. 

Selecting keywords is the same. You’ll need precision to ensure these are a solid base to start building your landing page and guide your consumers where you need them to land. 

While you want to be strategic with your keyword placement, don’t force it; ensure they organically fit within your narrative. 

For example, your keyword research might indicate that“content marketing” and “content marketing examples” are great ideas – and they seem similar, too. However, these have two different intent. The first will likely require a top-of-the-funnel educational page, like a blog post or pillar page on what content marketing is, while the second will expect you to build a listicle page with content marketing examples, like this one! 

3. Analyzing Your Competitors

Here’s where the investigation step comes in. If you hope to build a disruptive SEO landing page, you’ll need to become a detective. Analyzing your competitors can turn into a fact-finding mission that involves strategies and tactics your rivals employ to attract and engage their audience. 

So, how do we study their tactics?

  • Identifying market gaps: pinpoint areas within your field where demand may be unaddressed.
  • Uncover unique selling points: study unique, successful cases – or competitors – that could help you identify unique selling propositions and how they resonate with the audience you hope to achieve. This will give you a clear understanding of how they think and what their expectations are.
  • Address pain points: investigate the missing gaps and desires of potential customers more deeply, for example, by interviewing them. And then, you’ll tailor your content and solutions accordingly.
  • Take inspiration over limitation: you don’t aim to copy them but to gain inspiration from the best in the market. 

Traffic prospects

Understanding your audience is a cornerstone of conversion optimization. The goal is to attract the right people, which often includes niche segments genuinely interested in your topic and more likely to convert into valuable leads or customers.

One vital aspect to consider is the search volume of keywords. It’s essential to analyze this data to comprehend the level of interest in specific search terms. But don’t alarm! Your landing pages might target keywords with relatively lower search volumes, which is perfectly normal since it indicates you’re focusing on long-tail keywords. While these may not generate massive traffic, they tend to draw in a highly targeted audience interested in your offerings. 

Remember, it’s not just about numbers; it’s about reaching the right audience and maximizing the potential of your landing pages.

3. Mastering Backlink and Validation

Backlinks are the secret ingredient to our successful tomato sauce – sugar. Either for new or updated SEO landing pages, these are the votes of confidence from other websites that will promote your page’s authority. 

Backlinks from reputable websites not only enhance your company’s trustworthiness in the eyes of users and search engines but also lead to improved search engine rankings. As most SEO gurus say, the more backlinks a page has, the more organic traffic it gets from Google, as Ahrefs confirms in this report. Moreover, they can serve as direct conduits for referral traffic from the sites linking to yours.

So, how can you gain backlinks validation? 

  • Outreaching and networking
  • Guest posting 
  • Finding broken links on competitors 
  • Releasing press
  • Promoting your solution on social media

Decoding 10 High-performing SEO Landing Page Examples and Their Secrets of Success

Let’s decode the strategies behind the SEO triumph of SaaS startups. Through analyzing ten high-performance SEO landing page examples, we will unveil the elements that drive their success in the competitive digital landscape.

1. Zendesk

Zendesk has masterfully demonstrated the art of SEO landing page optimization with its Lead Tracking feature page. Despite omitting optimized titles and meta descriptions around the non-branded keyword “sales lead tracking”, they have secured the second-highest position in Google’s results. This achievement is a testament to the solution page’s implicit strengths.

The Lead Tracking page’s success comes due to a variety of factors. First, the benefits from the company’s high Domain Rating (DR) of 93 inevitably boost its search engine visibility. Moreover, the page boasts 437 backlinks, proving its authority and credibility.

This user-centric approach, combined with Zendesk’s industry authority and backlink profile, positions this landing page as a resounding success in the realm of landing pages.

2. Copy.AI

Copy.AI’s Instagram Caption Generator landing page proves optimized page success through a combination of strategic elements. 

First and foremost is the “free” feature itself, catering to the audience searching for a solution to enhance their Instagram posts. 

For their keyword targeting of non-branded keywords – “Instagram caption generator” – substantial traffic potential (2,900) and medium competition (21) -, Copy.AI secures a surprising third position in search results. This success is strengthened by an optimized title and meta description tags that ensure both discoverability and click-worthiness.

3. Drift

Drift’s solution page on Conversational Marketing is one of the rockstars in the world of SEO landing pages. You know they’re doing something right when the business pops up as the third result for a competitive keyword, like “conversational marketing” (31 of difficulty according to Ahrefs’ report).

So, what’s the secret ingredient to the recipe? They include top-notch images, slick graphics, and engaging videos that explain every detail of conversational marketing and how to make the best of it. Plus, they throw in step-by-step instructions and interactive elements that look as good as the work.

Drift’s page is not just informative but a visually enticing adventure that content marketers – like the potential customer who might be searching for this query – will be interested in. 

4. Hubspot

Hubspot’s Marketing Automation software landing page showcases the power of authority and strategic keyword targeting. With a massive DR of 90, the SaaS company skillfully positions itself in the competitive third position for the highly demanded keyword “marketing automation.” This non-branded keyword boasts a massive 11,000 monthly searches and a difficulty rating of 79, underlining its significance.

One noteworthy element that significantly contributes to the success of this landing page is its robust backlink profile. This page has won an impressive 4,800 backlinks from authoritative and high-quality websites, such as Semrush (DR 91), Fit Small Business (DR 84), or Wrike (DR 84). This substantial network of backlinks enhances HubSpot’s authority and trustworthiness in the eyes of both users and search engines.

What differentiates this landing page from competitors is its ability to cover various search intents. While it targets a bottom-of-funnel keyword – marketing automation – indicating to search engines the purchase intent, the heading and descriptions wisely include and prioritize top-of-the-funnel keywords. Therefore, it attracts users with different intents, contributing to significant traffic received. It’s a testament to Hubspot’s strategic user-centric approach.

5. Asana

Asana’s Task Management Software Landing Page is a standout success in the world of SEO landing pages. Ranking first for the highly competitive keyword “task management” with 10,000 monthly searches and a difficulty rating of 59, Asana’s authoritative brand recognition plays a pivotal role. 

They cleverly build trust and credibility through testimonials, reviews, security certifications, and impressive results. This combination of strategic keyword targeting, brand authority, and credibility-building content positions Asana as the go-to solution for task management needs.

Moreover, these credibility-building elements not only reassure potential customers but also position Asana as a trusted solution for their task management needs. 

6. Zoho

Zoho’s Email Ticketing Feature Landing page demonstrates that SEO landing page success can be achieved through a combination of factors, even without strict keyword optimization. 

While targeting the top non-branded keyword “email ticket system” with a lower monthly search volume (150) and a low difficulty rating (20), Zoho secures the sixth position in search results. This achievement is bolstered by the company’s authoritative reputation, boasting a Domain Rating (DR) of 91.

This page excels in user experience with a mobile-first approach, prioritizing responsive design, swift page loading, and content adapted for mobile users. This focus is particularly relevant given the substantial mobile traffic. The page’s success is attributed to its commitment to user needs and a streamlined mobile experience, highlighting that user-centric design and mobile optimization are pivotal in achieving SEO landing page success, even without strict keyword optimization.

7. Miro

Online whiteboard product page: Miro’s Online Whiteboard Product Page secures the second position in search results for the competitive keyword “virtual whiteboard” despite not optimizing titles and meta descriptions. 

This impressive feat is powered by an extensive backlink profile of 26,847 links, and 450 unique referring domains, with a substantial portion (109) originating from domains boasting a Domain Rating (DR) higher than 60. This validation from high-authority websites cements Miro’s credibility and authority in the online whiteboard space, making it a trusted resource for users.

Miro’s landing page thrives due to overwhelming validation from reputable sources. This vast network of backlinks from authoritative domains signals to users and search engines alike that Miro’s online whiteboard solution is a trusted and credible choice. 

8. Monday

Monday’s CRM Software Landing Page stands as a testament to the significance of thorough SEO optimization, user experience, and responsiveness to Google’s core web vitals. Despite targeting a non-branded keyword, “sales CRM,” with a formidable 3,900 monthly traffic volume and a challenging difficulty rating of 90, Monday secures a competitive fourth position in search results. Their authoritative status plays a pivotal role in this accomplishment, making it relatively easier to rank among the top positions.

The page is meticulously crafted, ensuring every aspect aligns with SEO best practices. This includes optimized titles, meta descriptions, image descriptions, and improved load times, all aimed at enhancing the user experience. Additionally, Monday prioritizes Google’s core web vitals, focusing on metrics that measure real-world user experience, including loading performance, interactivity, and visual stability. This approach ensures that not only do they rank well, but they also offer an exceptional user experience, drawing in users and encouraging them to explore further. 

9. Bamboo HR

Bamboo HR’s Performance Management Software landing Page stands as a prime example of SEO landing page success, triumphing in a competitive landscape despite a medium quantity of backlinks (a total of 238). Focused on the top non-branded keyword, “performance appraisal software,” with moderate monthly traffic (400) and a manageable difficulty rating (31), Bamboo HR captures the top position in search results. This achievement is reinforced by Bamboo’s strong domain Rating (DR) of 90, reflecting its authoritative status in the industry.

A notable aspect of this landing page’s success is its growth trajectory, particularly since January 2023. This surge is attributed to diligent SEO optimization practices implemented on page titles, headings, descriptions, images, and meta descriptions. While Bamboo HR may not boast an extensive backlink profile, its dedication to on-page optimization plays a crucial role in securing its top position in search results. This example underscores that meticulous on-page SEO efforts can significantly contribute to landing page success, particularly when coupled with an authoritative reputation in the field.

Performance in 2023

10. ClickUp

ClickUp’s Real Estate Management Solution Landing Page stands as a remarkable success story, particularly within a niche keyword segment.  y targeting the specialized keyword “real estate project management software” with a relatively modest search volume of 150 and a keyword difficulty rating, ClickUp secures a commendable seventh position in the realm of search results. This achievement is noteworthy, given the niche nature of the keyword and the challenges it poses.

ClickUp’s landing page offers an engaging user experience, complete with an appealing design, compelling copywriting featuring attractive headlines, and concise content. The interactive design elements further enhance user engagement, despite the page’s high DR and a modest number of backlinks (9). Although anchor texts may lack specific search intent, leaning toward generic phrases, ClickUp effectively leverages user-centric design and captivating content to secure its place in the search results. Moreover, the page has strong visuals and multimedia elements with high-quality validation from customers, like the price for Best Software Awards in 2022.

This example proves that appealing content achieves SEO landing page success, even when targeting niche keywords and working with limited backlinks.

Ready for Your Journey to Mastering SEO Landing Pages?

Enter SEO landing pages – These meticulously crafted web pages are primed to not just rank well in search engines but also guide potential customers toward a conversion goal. It’s the dream, but the challenge is monumental, with Page 1 of the search results often packed with listicles and review sites. However, in this landscape, some SaaS startups have defied the odds, claiming their rightful place at the top. 

Remember, SEO landing pages are your beacon in the digital wilderness, guiding your potential customers to discover and embrace your products! 

If creating an SEO landing page appears as a tough task, don’t hesitate to reach out. At Flow, we have honed our expertise in crafting SEO landing pages, and we’re well-equipped to assist you in establishing a strategy that can drive substantial traffic.


Abril Lombardi
Abril is an SEO-driven content marketer and storyteller. She specializes in building unique and compelling brand messages and positioning to set a brand apart from competitors. She's an expert in crafting narratives highlighting the selling proposition and resonating with the right target audience.
Flow Blog

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