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Integrations are common features of SaaS, yet they’re not always taken into account when it comes to SEO. That’s a shame because each integration page holds an opportunity to rank and attract qualified traffic.

In this post, we’ll discuss the difference between a hub integrations page and an individual integrations page and how you can optimize both for Google and for users. We’ll also provide examples of great integration pages.

But first, what exactly is an integrations page?

What is a SaaS Integrations Page?

A SaaS integrations page introduces one or more tools (apps, SaaS, software) that the SaaS product is able to receive information from or send information to.

There are two main types of integration pages: integration hub pages, and individual integration pages. Integration hub pages list all of the different tools the SaaS is able to connect with. A good example of a hub integrations page is this one from Asana.

Asana has a featured integrations collection of the integrations Asana wants to highlight at the top of the page. It also lists all of the tools it integrates with and links each tool to a separate page with information about how that tool connects with Asana and what it can do through that connection. This page on how Asana connects with Slack is a good example of an individual integration page.

Note that integration pages aren’t always called that. SaaS companies also often talk about “apps”, “partners”, “market integration partners” or “technology partners” and might call their integration hubs “marketplaces”.

Best Practices for SaaS Integration Pages

Make your integrations hub user-friendly

Most SaaS link to their hub integrations page from their main menu or their footer. This is a great practice as it makes it easy for prospects to navigate to your integrations, but you can’t stop there.

Depending on their purpose, users are often interested in specific types of integrations, so you’ll want to organize your integrations hub into categories. Personio does this well:

Their Marketplace lists the most popular integrations at the top. This approach is similar to the one we see in eCommerce where bestselling products are often placed at the top of product category pages. And just as in eCommerce, this strategy works well to guide users to your best-converting integrations.

The left sidebar consists of two sections: one leading to collections of integrations put together by Personio, and the other a list of all types of integrations available.

By creating collections, Personio is able to promote integrations they deem important or that may otherwise go unnoticed. They even have a section where users can see which integrations have already been requested by others, and where they can make their own requests.

If users are looking for a certain type of integration, they can quickly find it by scrolling through the chronologically ordered categories list. 

Build an integrations page template

When it comes to your individual integration pages, you want to make sure they’re as complete as possible. That means providing all of the information a user might be interested in for each integration. 

The easiest way to do that is by creating an integrations page template. When you follow a template, you don’t run the risk of forgetting something. On top of that, it’s easier for users to find and digest information if it’s always presented in the same way.

Creating an integrations page template serves several purposes:

  • As you follow a template when creating a new integrations page, you don’t run the risk of forgetting something. The template ensures you add all of the crucial elements to your page.
  • It’s easier for users to find and digest information if it’s always presented in the same way.
  • It’s also easier to follow SEO best practices if each integrations page is based on a template that takes these practices into account.
  • Templates make it easier to roll out integration pages at scale as you don’t need to think about the structure of each individual page.

This page Beekeeper created for its BambooHR integration looks exactly like all of its other integration pages. It has the BambooHR logo at the top of the left sidebar, followed by a button that allows you to instantly connect Beekeeper with BambooHR, and links to the BambooHR website, privacy policy, terms, and documentation.

The body of the page is clearly divided into sections that:

  • Provide some general information about the tool you can integrate Beekeeper with.
  • List that tool’s features.
  • Provide Zapier templates you can use to create the connection.
  • Show screenshots of the tool in action.

A word of caution

Using a template does not mean using the exact same text for each integration page and simply switching out the brand terms. This could cause duplicate content issues and hurt your SEO. The content on each page should be specific to the integration it’s about to provide the user with valuable information.

Follow on-page best practices

Having a good structure for your integration pages is the basic first step. Next, you want to implement SEO on-page best practices. That means adding your main keyword for that page:

  • To the URL
  • To the H1
  • To the page meta title
  • To the meta description
  • To at least one H2
  • Somewhere in the first 150 words of the content.

Check out our SEO review checklist for a handy list of things you need to optimize

Aside from optimizing each integrations page for its main keyword, you also want to include related secondary keywords. But how do you go about finding these?

When it comes to SaaS integration pages, you’ll want to research keywords that contain any of the following terms:

  • Integration/integrations
  • Connection/connections
  • API
  • Technology partners/market integration partners/partners
  • Apps
  • Marketplace

And combine these with both your brand name and the brand names of the tools you offer integrations for.

So you might end up with a list that looks includes “yourbrand integrations” for your hub integrations page, and for your individual integration pages, keywords can look like:

  • “Your brand another tool integration”
  • “Connect your brand and another tool”
  • “Integrate your brand with another tool”
  • “Another tool connection to your brand”

A brand that has extremely well-optimized integration pages is Zapier. Have a look at their page for Google Drive + Slack integrations:

The page title is “Connect your Google Drive to Slack integration in 2 minutes | Zapier”: it’s engaging, keyword-rich, and branded. Then there are the headings:

  • “Google Drive + Slack Integrations”
  • “How to connect Google Drive + Slack”
  • “Popular Google Drive + Slack workflows”
  • “How Google Drive + Slack Integrations Work”

And even one of the call-to-action buttons “Connect Google Drive + Slack” is optimized.

Aside from these sections, the page lists example ‘zaps’ to connect Google Drive with Slack and links out to tutorials on how to use both Google Drive and Slack. This page holds a wealth of information for users who are looking to connect the two popular tools.

What if nobody seems to be looking for an integration that you offer?

It can happen that you offer an integration that you can’t find any corresponding search queries for. We still recommend creating a page for this integration to provide users with the information they need, and to be ready to capture that organic traffic once people do start looking for integrations with this tool. If you follow our recommendation to build a template for your individual integration pages, this becomes easy to do.

If you’re short on resources, you can opt to first create integration pages for those integrations that are most searched for, but it’s not ideal. Users may get disappointed when they see that information is available for one integration but not the other.

Provide enough information

The content on SaaS integration pages tends to be rather thin. Not only does this make it difficult for these pages to rank, it also means that users get little information on how to use an integration or why it would be beneficial to them.

While you don’t want to add a bunch of fluff to make the page longer, you do want to include:

  • A heading that includes the name of the tool you integrate with.
  • A short description of that tool.
  • That tool’s features.
  • How your integration with that tool works.
  • The benefits users will experience thanks to the integration.

Start Getting Leads from Your Integrations Pages

SaaS integration pages hold a lot of opportunities to generate organic traffic and convince leads to convert. Make it easy for users to find the integration they’re looking for by organizing your integrations in categories on your hub integrations page. You can also add your best-converting integrations to a “featured” or “popular” section at the top of the page to highlight them.

Next, create pages for each individual integration and optimize those pages for their related keywords. Use a template so that each page has the same structure and provides all of the information the user might need.

Sounds like a lot of work? We’d be happy to give you a hand. Get in touch today to discuss how we can help you create lead-generating integration pages.


Sofie Couwenbergh
Sofie is an SEO-savvy content strategist, consultant, and writer. She helps brands generate more qualified leads and keep customers engaged with engaging optimized articles like the one you’ve just read.
Flow Blog

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