Blog: Content

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Here, we've listed some of our favorite posts on SEO basics, best practices for content creation/optimization, guides, and much more. Check out our latest posts!

Bottom-of-the-Funnel Content for SaaS: Best Practices

Bottom-of-the-Funnel Content for SaaS: Best Practices

Once you've generated interest and start getting a solid stream of organic traffic, how do you turn those visitors into prospects and leads? Active buyers aren't just considering your solution, they're also researching your competitors and these competitors are...

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How to Create an Effective SEO Content Brief (+ Template)

How to Create an Effective SEO Content Brief (+ Template)

Are you often underwhelmed by the articles writers create for you?  Or maybe you're happy with the content, but for some reason, it doesn't rank? You might even have gone through a slew of writers, wondering if you'll ever find someone who understands your...

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How To Make A Glossary For SEO

How To Make A Glossary For SEO

Eager to build SEO content at scale with a glossary like, Active Campaign or Personio? I decided to follow up with a detailed how-to here.  Step 1: Keyword Research Glossaries will mostly house your educational, and informational content for the middle...

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9 Unique Pillar Page Examples to Help You Boost Your Rankings

9 Unique Pillar Page Examples to Help You Boost Your Rankings

Imagine sitting on top of a wealth of content but it's scattered around your website. You have no go-to resource to send prospects to and if users want to find your best articles, they need to weed through endless pages of blogroll to get to them. Pillar pages came...

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5 Show-Stopper About Us Page Examples (For HR Tech Startups)

5 Show-Stopper About Us Page Examples (For HR Tech Startups)

Let me get this straight: The about us page is one of the most important pages on your website. And it's even more important if your business is still a baby. That's why you can't write it or design it in a hurry. And you should definitely take a close look at...

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As a Startup, Should I Accept Guest Posts on My Blog?

As a Startup, Should I Accept Guest Posts on My Blog?

Getting featured on other websites is often touted as a great way to generate awareness for your startup, but what about featuring others on your site? If you've ever wondered, "As a startup, should I accept guest posts on my blog?", this post is for you. As is often...

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How to Turn Podcasts and Webinars into Ranking SEO Content

How to Turn Podcasts and Webinars into Ranking SEO Content

Podcasts and webinars are great tools for establishing authority and generating demand but they are inherently difficult to optimize for SEO. They often cover a wide range of topics and when there is a core topic, it's easy to deviate from it when an interesting...

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How to Optimize a SaaS Integrations Page

How to Optimize a SaaS Integrations Page

Integrations are common features of SaaS, yet they're not always taken into account when it comes to SEO. That's a shame because each integration page holds an opportunity to rank and attract qualified traffic. In this post, we'll discuss the difference between a hub...

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6 Unique Types of Written SEO Content

6 Unique Types of Written SEO Content

When companies don't invest in SEO content, it's often because of one big misconception: that SEO content equals long, boring, keyword-stuffed blog posts. This couldn't be more wrong. There are many types of SEO content that go beyond the long-form content that aims...

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Yes, There Is Creative SEO Content (10 Non-Boring Ideas)

Yes, There Is Creative SEO Content (10 Non-Boring Ideas)

A Wall of Text Doesn't Do The Trick Anymore For too long, the SEO industry has gotten away with walls of text, lack of design and keyword stuffing. These are the precise reasons why content marketers and thought leadership experts are afraid of SEO content. But hey,...

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How to Optimize Your Seasonal Content to Rank Better

How to Optimize Your Seasonal Content to Rank Better

Content marketers dedicate a lot of attention to creating content that can generate leads all year round, but normal days aren't what get people excited, holidays and big events are. Even when you're a B2B company, seasonal...

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The State of Content AI in 2022

The State of Content AI in 2022

Content AI tools are gaining popularity in content marketing spheres. They are mostly used as copywriting tools to create shorter forms of content as well as ads for social media channels, but content marketers are also experimenting with the technology to write blog...

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How to Research a Blog Post (With the Pro’s Formula)

How to Research a Blog Post (With the Pro’s Formula)

Did you ever feel that researching a topic to write about in a blog post made you less productive? Worse: Did research steal your writing creativity and joy, and then get away with it? Trust me: I know the feeling, but I'm here to teach you how to research a blog post...

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7 Great Software Business Blog Examples and Why They Rock

7 Great Software Business Blog Examples and Why They Rock

The boom of SaaS companies in recent years is undeniable, and many of them have been able to grow rapidly thanks to their intentional content marketing strategy. These companies combined a solid SEO strategy with strong branding to create blogs that generate a ton of...

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Content Optimization: A Quick And Easy Step-by-step Guide

Content Optimization: A Quick And Easy Step-by-step Guide

You've put a lot of time, effort, and budget into creating content. Don't let it whither and sink down the pages of Google. Content optimization helps you boost your rankings while keeping your blog relevant and up-to-date. Here's how to do it. 7 Steps To Do Content...

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SEO Copywriting For SaaS: How To Convert With Words

SEO Copywriting For SaaS: How To Convert With Words

The importance of SaaS copywriting There is a cost to getting people to your website. You're paying for ads, outsourcing SEO, or spending your time on digital PR and cold outreach. That cost needs a return on investment which means that once people are on your site,...

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How To Effectively Harness The Power Of HARO

How To Effectively Harness The Power Of HARO

If you work with SEO, content marketing or a similar niche, then chances are that you’ve heard about HARO. If not, HARO stands for “help a reporter out,” which is absolutely what it sounds like. On this innovative platform, journalists and a variety of other writers...

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Content Experiences Are the New Content Marketing

Content Experiences Are the New Content Marketing

Originally published on Search Engine Journal. Do you know the feeling of having been hired as an SEO consultant, content manager, or content marketer and finding yourself stuck on the content treadmill? You and your teammates are pushing out content every week...

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Monitoring SEO Performance: How To Do It Right

Monitoring SEO Performance: How To Do It Right

The number one thing to keep in mind when you're analyzing SEO performance is that it's all about continuous progress. While some actions like updating page titles and headings can move the needle quickly, other things take more time. Especially when you're just...

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Advanced Keyword Mapping for 2021

Advanced Keyword Mapping for 2021

You can read this article at its original source on Search Engine Journal. Keyword mapping is the hidden art of meeting search intent. Search intent is the reason why someone is searching on Google. The keyword phrase is what they...

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The Evolution of On-page SEO

The Evolution of On-page SEO

An Interview With Viola Eva Ready to learn even more about SEO? This title can't begin to cover what you'll learn on this brand new podcast on Lion Zeal! Be prepared to discover all about: Who is Viola Eva? (00:32) What makes Flow unique (09:18) SEO tips for content...

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