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Let me get this straight: The about us page is one of the most important pages on your website. And it’s even more important if your business is still a baby. That’s why you can’t write it or design it in a hurry. And you should definitely take a close look at impressive about us page examples.

Sit in a comfortable spot—for me, that’s the couch. Set up an inspiring environment—all I need is a cup of coffee and the sound of birds singing. Turn your phone silent, focus, and start.

But before you do the prep, learn which components you need, why, and what they should look like. Bear with me!

Why You Need the Finest About Us Page

If you were to buy a MacBook, would you read Apple’s about us page before deciding to purchase? I bet you wouldn’t. The brand is highly renowned, and you know it would deliver a supreme customer experience.

Now, the thing is: Startup brands are on the other side of the fence from established brands like Apple. They’re still building their reputation and earning trust from their target audience.

Leads go to a startup about us page because they heard or read about the business and got curious. They want to know the company before reaching out to you or buying your products.

In other words, leads expect a startup about us page to:

  • Provide social proof—that the brand delighted customers for real before.
  • Present the team—to know the people behind the products, who make the business happen.
  • State the company’s mission, vision, and values—to figure out if they share the same drives.
  • Describe the brand’s history—to reinforce its credibility and add value to the business’s unique selling proposition (or USP)

Shortly, the most outstanding about us page examples start with feeding curiosity. Then, they claim brand uniqueness, exude brand credibility, and ultimately prompt lead conversion.

In the process, about us pages please Google’s algorithm. They convey that the website is full of Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness (or E-A-T).

How Do You Nail an About Us Page?

The recipe for the most amazing about us page examples has two ingredients.

  • Content—that’s straightforward and echoes the brand’s voice, whether it’s more or less casual, inspirational, controversial, or even humorous.
  • Web design—that’s clean and has prime usability, yet it’s immensely creative.

By blending these two ingredients, you’ll obtain an effective about us page that masters customer acquisition.

Take your time, though, because cooking a jaw-dropping about us page is an exercise of strategy. And strategy is a slowly-cooked, flavored meal. You might need to rectify seasonings a few times—or iterate—before wowing your diners.

Just like chefs are incredibly proud of their best creations, take pride in what you’ve accomplished so far in your business. And don’t be shy to shout it out on your about us page!

What to Include in an About Us Page

At a high level, well-crafted about us page examples say:

  • What the company is
  • Where it came from
  • Where it’s headed to
  • Who’s with it

Let’s see what this means in more detail.

About Us Page Template

Although the structure varies, the average about us page content sample contains these elements:


You don’t need to write an explicit mission statement, but you must answer these questions on your about us page:

  • What’s the purpose of your business?
  • What impact do you wish it has on customers or the world?
  • What does it exist for?
  • What challenges does it intend to fix?

A company’s mission is the whole point of building the business. It describes what you’re going to serve your target audience with and why.


Where are you heading with your business? What market position do you envision for your products in the future?

Trace your company’s future on your about us page. Explain how you’d like your prospects to know your brand for in the long haul, usually in a matter of years.

If you’re ambitious and yet have realistic goals, don’t play it humbly! Say how you want to change your community or the world with your products.

As with the mission, you don’t need to write an explicit vision statement. Just make sure you note the long-term results you’re aiming at.


You’re not in business for the money only, right? Your company is made by humans for humans, and the fact that it has values confirms that.

Company values state what you and the team stand for in business. They show in everything you do in business and are a gemstone you don’t let go of.

If you’re struggling to write your company values, here’s a hint: The line between personal and business values is fine. That’s why business values are your answer to the question, “What attitude towards life is foundational to my business?”


Where and how did your business start? What’s your company’s genesis, and who was there with you?

Most of the time, the history of a startup isn’t old. This could lead you to think that because there isn’t much story to tell, it’s not worth doing it.

You couldn’t be more wrong. Often, the events that originate a startup are so exquisite that you can use them to grab your website visitors’ attention.

Your business’s history and mission are tied together. This means you can talk about the two on your about us page very fluidly.

Give the press your company’s true story, and they’ll spread the word about your brand. Some companies describe how the business grew over time, the milestones they hit, how the products evolved, and even share bumps on the road. It’s no shame to mention drawbacks that changed your business strategy and shaped your business.

The storytelling brings you closer to your leads as they resonate with overcoming obstacles. It indicates that you’re real and not some unicorn who lives on a rainbow.

If you think about it, strategic shifts demonstrate your adaptability to changes in the industry, consumer habits, and economic context. And that’s compelling!

Target Audience

Are you going to sell your products to every single person who visits your about us page? Of course not.

Leads who land on your about us page need to know whether they’re in your crosshairs. They need to know that you’re talking with them. And mentioning the characteristics and needs of customers your business serves will do that.


Some about us page examples show a photo of the entire team at an annual get-together. Others display team members’ headshots or avatars with names and roles.

Occasionally, about us page examples go one step further with the team element. They share a brief history of each team member and their personal interests. Some also share the story of their founders.

Above all, presenting your team humanizes the brand, and that’s a powerful strategy to appeal to leads.


Despite your website having a homepage and product pages, briefly mention your products on the about us page. Focus on their benefits to your target audience—or your value proposition. That decodes your company’s mission into more specific terms.

It’s also an opportunity to pique your leads’ interest in your products. As a result, they’ll want to learn more about what your business can do for them. And that’s how you promote conversion.

On top of product information, you can shortly describe your business model—or how you make a profit. A common business model in the HR tech industry is the SaaS subscription model.

Social Proof

I know you’re only getting started, but if you already have a couple of loyal customers you can use as references, don’t hesitate to display their logo on your about us page. They can spill deets about how you transformed their lives or businesses, so why waste this fantastic opportunity?

Instead of a customer logo, you can write a case study about the most impactful work you did for those customers. This will spark your prospect’s eagerness to succeed, which tremendously influences their purchasing decision. They’ll enviously think, “If others had it, so can I!”

Besides logos and case studies, you can prove you deliver by including these elements on your about us page:


Raise the effectiveness of your about-us narrative by disclosing a few numbers. They reflect credibility, represent progress, and scream success.

For instance, you might mention how much your sales increased over the last year or the number of customers you’ve helped so far. Whatever numbers you choose, make a point for your company’s impact on people and businesses.

Call to Action

Don’t let your leads leave your about us page without asking for some sort of action from them. You can give them options like:

  • Submitting a contact form
  • Subscribing to your mailing list
  • Follow your social media accounts
  • Visit product pages
  • Read the blog

How to Write an About Us Page

Tell your brand story. That’s the story of what led you to create your company and what motivates you to keep going. It’s the tale of your passion for the business and products.

When telling the story on your about us page, don’t just pitch the brand to leads! Evoke emotions in your target audience and connect with them. Make them want to be a part of your story. That’s a step towards converting those leads in the future.

Write content that’s simple yet exciting and relevant. Be authentic, express your personality, and humanize your about us page. Remember that customers buy stories and solutions, not just products.

Draw your leads into the story and attach them to your brand. Explain how you can change their lives and, if applicable, the lives of their target audience.

For instance, if an HR application automates parts of the new hire onboarding process, it’s not the feature that matters—it’s what it does for its users that’s important. It gets a portion of the onboarding burden off HR personnel’s shoulders and smoothes the employee experience.

Web Design Tips

The visual layer of your about us page doesn’t only make the content look good. It affects your leads’ interpretation of your company.

For instance, photos of the founders or team convey that real people are behind your products. And this promotes confidence in the business and communicates brand uniqueness.

Another example is backstage photos. They allow your leads to sneak peek at your company, which triggers curiosity and consequently places conversion on the horizon.

But it’s not just a matter of throwing some photos and other eye-catchy visuals onto the about us page. The way visitors may interact with them and how they’re organized on the page matters too. Interactivity captivates, and visuals add variety to your about us page and break up the text to engage the reader.

Consider adding the following visuals to your about us page:

  • Your brand video
  • A numbers section
  • An illustration of your business model
  • Customer logos
  • Quotes from customer testimonials
  • Logos of publications that wrote articles on your company
  • An Instagram gallery of UGC
  • A gallery of backstage photos

Our Curated Selection of About Us Page Examples

It’s one thing to talk about best practices. It’s another to see them firsthand. Check out some startup about us page examples that should be printed and framed for posterity.

1. Personio

Source: Personio

Personio’s about us page is so neat and attractive! It’s not extensive, but it’s straight to the point and very well organized.

It starts with the company’s mission and value proposition, followed by a team photo and some numbers. The team photo shows the company’s dimension, which your leads will find reassuring.

After the numbers, the page tells a very short version of Personio’s history. That segment mentions who founded the startup and where.

Now, the piece of content that stands out on Personio’s about us page content sample is an interactive milestone timeline. It appeals to the visitors’ emotions and boosts their buying intent.

Finally, Personio’s about us page shows inside photos of its offices and headshots of its management team members. You can see that there’s a link to a LinkedIn profile below each name and role. Those links confirm that Personio’s managers are flesh and blood, and the number of managers suggests the company’s growth and maturity.

2. Culture Amp

Source: Culture Amp

Culture Amp’s about us page is another example of neat, attractive, and well-organized content.

Did you notice their short mission statement on the left-hand side at the top of the page? It sets the tone for the rest of the narrative.

And from there, they move on to detail the mission, explain their vision and value proposition, disclose some numbers, and thoroughly describe the company’s values. Culture Amp’s emphasis on values makes total sense as its product is an employee experience platform.

This HR tech startup’s about us page is filled with CTAs. In its first section, you can find three of them pointing to:

  • Their product page—after all, it’s what they’re selling
  • Their community page—for HR professionals to connect through multiple channels and access resources
  • Their careers page—because they believe a considerable number of their about us page visitors are job seekers

At the end of the page, you see two other CTAs asking visitors to watch a demo and contact them.

3. Qualtrics

Source: Qualtrics

Qualtrics’ about us page is more diverse than the previous two examples. Besides the mission, value proposition, some numbers, and the company’s values, the page contains:

  • A backstage photo gallery—to poke visitors’ curiosity about the company
  • Customer logos—to demonstrate Qualtrics’ trustworthiness and expertise
  • Partner logos—to illustrate that other brands recognize Qualtrics’ value enough to partner with it
  • A brand video—which presents a customer testimonial in a very emotional way
  • CTAs—to the careers page, case studies page, and a product page

And if one video wasn’t enough, Qualtrics added another video to its about us page. It’s a video on a corporate social responsibility program they created to help find a cure for cancer. This type of content humanizes the page greatly, thus engaging visitors.

On a final note, Qualtrics’ about us page, unlike others, explains the company’s vision in a very clear way. But the interesting fact is that instead of showing up at the top of the page, the vision shows up at the bottom.

4. eduMe

Source: eduMe

This HR tech startup’s about us page highlights the company’s vision right at the top in big letters. This leads us to think that eduMe’s belief in the brand’s future is so strong that it’s undeniable they’ll make it happen.

In addition to the company’s mission, value proposition, values, and numbers, eduMe’s about us page includes:

  • CTAs to the careers page and news page
  • A brand video
  • Product screenshots
  • Award badges
  • Team and backstage photos
  • Featured news

In its brand video, eduMe leans more toward employer branding than company branding. But actually, it’s not just a good company reputation that encourages conversion—a good employer reputation does that too. And eduMe’s brand video kills two birds with one stone.

5. Betterworks

Source: Betterworks

Betterworks’ about us page is an example that’s very succinct yet well-designed.

It contains the company’s mission, vision, value proposition, some customer logos, a numbers section, and a team section. It also contains a few other bits and pieces like:

  • Investor logos
  • Contact details
  • A CTA to a contact form

Roll Up Your Sleeves and Uplift Your About Us Page

Now that you checked some nicely-designed, captivating startup about us page examples, the stage is yours. The lights are on you, and your job is to get to the page that suits your company best. Most importantly, tell the story of your brand with your own voice.

Invest time in creating your about us page and dedicate a proper amount of effort to doing it. I hope the about us page examples in this article inspire you!


Sofia Azevedo
Flow Blog

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