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It has been a weird year for us all. But in that, we were lucky to experience a lot of beautiful and successful moments. Here are a few highlights of our SEO year 2020.

Relaunching SEO Sprint with Thrive Themes.

SEO Sprint for Busy Solopreneurs is my cooperation with Thrive Themes and Shane Melaugh. The SEO online course first launched in 2019.

In the summer of 2020, we relaunched the course. This time, I got to do client success interviews with attendees from the previous year. What started out as a marketing initiative turned into deep personal satisfaction about the course we created.

“Boom! About 4 months after we started, the numbers just started going up.”

“I had a 69% increase [in year-over-year growth] just from updating a couple of articles!”

“You’re going to come out of the course knowing so much more than you thought you knew.”

“Before SEO Sprint, writing for my blog felt nightmarish and terrible. I had no strategy or idea of how to reach more people which was very painful.”

You can watch four customer success interviews here.

I also got to publish a guest post on Thrive Themes about keyword mapping which has been one of my personal yearly goals for 2020.

Rebecca joins Flow SEO.

Rebecca is the SEO consultant that I have been dreaming of. Smart, diligent, friendly, and very successful in ranking websites. Her background in SEO and Google Ads as well as her in-house experience working as the marketing director for a software company makes her a perfect fit for the Flow SEO team.

Make sure to follow her personal blog “Colorado Sundays” on activities, recipes, and adventures in Colorado, USA.

Contributing to Search Engine Journal.

I got to write three articles for SEJ this year and contribute to their ebook on content marketing. In these articles, you will learn about managing SEO, keyword mapping, and content experiences. Super glad to have this playground for my SEO writing and SEO teachings.

Hosting a SEMrush webinar series.

The series “marketers vs. engineers” is created to share ideas between two different world-views. The psychology focused world-view of the marketer and the algorithm focused world-view of the engineer.

It has been my absolute pleasure to host these roundtable discussions this summer.

Creating videos for the SUSO SEO Textbook.

My SEO friend Will asked me to contribute videos to their super-detailed SEO textbook. You will see me intro every lesson. And I also contributed a chapter: Core Components of SEO.

Joining Friends of Search Amsterdam and Brussels – In-Person!

Who would have thought that these would turn out to be my only two in-person conferences in 2020… The good thing: Friends of Search is so well-made. An epic conference experience that I can highly recommend.


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Being Featured on the Ahrefs Homepage.

Winning Page 1.

Here is just one example: This client is in the B2B software space. They know that organic traffic matters. But they had a really hard time becoming friends with the SEO methodology. They do not love the emphasis on keywords and link building seemed dodgy and cheap to them before we started working together.

As part of our work, I pushed to re-write two pages that are mapped against two keywords that are at the absolute core of their offering.

  1. Volume: 5,900. Keyword difficulty: 42 — 2. Volume: 2,400. Keyword difficulty: 62

We wrote in-depth long-form content with them, optimized the pages, and started link building. 24 backlinks to the first page, 40 to the second page.

Today, we are slowly making our way to the top of page 1.

Another client (B2B software as well, but very different industry) started writing a lot of content based on our content calendar this year.

We created 71 content briefings for them in 2020. Their rankings are gaining really momentum now. Their organic traffic grew by 72.04% since January 2020.

Happy client, happy SEO.

82% of our clients in 2020 came from personal recommendations or my public speaking.

46% of all current retainer clients have been with us for at least one year – or longer.

35% of our clients are software businesses. 17% are eCommerce or eLearning. 17% are digital services.

We have built 1.128 links in 2020. A big thank you goes to Angela and Boban from the Flow SEO team for making this happen.

In 2021, we are going to stay committed to client happiness and sustainable SEO.

Thank you!

If you are one of our clients reading this: Thank you so much for your trust!

None of this would be possible without you and it is our true honor and pleasure to work for you!

Angela, Boban, Maja, Rebecca, Hannes, and Flo, thank you for your hard work, commitment, and great spirit in working for Flow SEO.

Happy New Year!



Viola Eva
Viola is passionate about digital entrepreneurship, flow, and mindful marketing. As a marketing consultant and SEO, she has worked with clients ranging from individual digital entrepreneurs to software companies to multi-national corporates and government institutions. She is a speaker, educator, and specialist on all things SEO.
Flow Blog

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